German at Aquinas College
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO's) for German are aligned with national and state standards on language teaching, development of language skills, and cultural understanding as reflected in the Proficiency Guidelines by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL):
- Demonstrate an Intermediate or higher proficiency level in reading, writing, listening and speaking in the language studied according to the ACTFL guidelines
- Accurately compare and contrast social, cultural, economic and political phenomena in different cultures and apply their intercultural competence when engaging in community activities and study abroad experiences.
- Critically analyze a range of linguistic, sociocultural and historical issues across the globe and connect them to other disciplines.
- German Proficiency guidelines available at
Mission Statement of the German Program
The Department of World Languages at Aquinas College promotes an understanding of and exchange with other cultures both within and outside the United States. Our integrated program of language learning incorporates all of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students learn to use the language in a communicative and interactive environment within the classroom. The German Program offers a variety of upper-division courses for advanced study in culture, literature, history, applied language for business and professions, translation and interpretation, and community involvement through service learning. These courses are designed to enhance an understanding of the richness of the human experience across times and cultures, integrate the Dominican pillars of study, community and service, and prepare students for graduate school and professional careers.
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